February is here, and for many of us in the rare space, this is a time we acknowledge #RareDiseaseDay on February 28. We also celebrate throughout the month by sharing stories, stats and information regarding #RareDiseases. For myself, I decided to take some time and write a poem in honor of the day and month. A lot of emotions come up during months like these. And, well nearing the age of 40 as well!
I Am Rare
I am part of the rare disease space,
Always trying to come through with strength and grace.
Sometimes my plight can feel overwhelming,

But I keep on striving and believing.
It has been a journey that can be hard,
With many obstacles to guard.
I know I am not alone in this,
There are many just like me on this list.
Working hard to achieve all that I hope for,
Knowing not all is in my actual grasp to my core.
Still being hopeful that someday I will be proven wrong,
No matter what head up, eyes fixed, will strong.
There are moments both filled with joy and grief
It is very important to me to have a positive belief.
My courage will forever guide me, I will never give up,
I am proud to be rare and I will always rise up.